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Social Sciences
Professor Terence Chong
Professor Terence Chong is an Associate Professor of Economics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained BSSc at CUHK in 1991 and MA, PhD at University of Rochester in 1993 and 1995 respectively. Among his various public services, he is currently a member of the Commission on Poverty of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and a member of the Community Care Fund (CCF) Task Force under the Commission, a member of Small and Medium Enterprises Committee, Funds Management Sub-committee of Hong Kong Housing Authority, and a member of the Panel for the Accounting and Financial Reporting Review Tribunal of the HKSAR Government.
Professor Chong’s main research area is financial econometrics. He has published over 1000 articles in international journals and newspapers covering a wide spectrum of topics in Econometrics, Finance, Mathematics, Psychology, education and the Chinese Economy. He ranks top 37th worldwide in theoretical econometrics, top 1% in terms of number of distinct works and number of journal pages and top 5% economist worldwide (RePEc). His papers are published in reputable international journals, including Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Theory, Econometric Review, Econometrics Journal, Journal of Time Series Analysis, etc.
He is currently one of the Associate Heads of New Asia College at CUHK, Executive Director of Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics, Finance, and Co-Director of Global Economics and Finance Program.

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